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1. A dialogue between myself and my friend Mazhar about the uses and abuses of mobile phone.
Myself : Hi, Mazhar. How are you ?
Mazhar : I am fine and you ?
Myself : I am also fine. Could you tell me about the uses and abuses of mobile phone, please ?
Mazhar : Sure. Why not ? But not now.
Myself : When would you like to tell ?
Mazhar : Next Friday.
Myself : Ok.
Mazhar : No more today. Next day. Welcome.
Myself : Thanks.

2. Read the following paragraph and make a dialogue between Ripa and Shikha about improving English. Ripa is very bright student. But Shikha is weak in English. She could not do well in the examination. Ripa tells her to read story books written in English, to watch English film, read English newspapers , watch English Tv news etc.

A dialogue between Ripa and Shika about improving English.
Ripa : Hi, Shikha. How are you ?
Shikha : Not well.
Ripa : Why ?
Shikha : I am not well because I could not do well in the examination. I want to improve my English. But how ?
Ripa : Well, I am not expert in English. I only can say how I have improved my skill in English.
Shikha : Tell me that.
Ripa : I read story books written in English , watch English film, read English Newspapers, watch English Tv news etc.
Shikha : I will do this.
Ripa : Yes, at first, you should remove your fear for English. Morever, I think everthing in English whatever I do . It is helpful for remembering English.
Shikha : I will try my best to do this. Thank you very much for your suggestion.
Ripa : You are welcome.

3. Suppose you are Mr. Mazhar. You want to open a bank account and keep your scholarship money in it. You have gone to a bank as a client and have a talk with the manager of the bank. Now, write a dialogue between you and the manager about the way of opening a bank account.

A dialogue between myself and the manager about opening a Bank account :
Myself : Would you help me opening a bank account ?
Manager : Sure. why not ? What type of account do you want to open ?
Myself : How many kinds of account are here?
Manager : We have three types here. They are the fixed , the savings and the current account.
Myself : I want to open the savings account.
Manager : Fill the form first.
Myself : Here is the form which I have filled. What I have to do now ?
Manager : Nothing. Deposit some money and take a chaque book. In future you can with draw money with the help of this cheque book.
Myself : Thank you very much for your help.
Manager : You are welcome.

4. Write a dialogue between you and your friend, Mr. Mazhar about the importance of choosing a good company.
A dialogue between myself and my friend , Mr. Mazhar :
Myself : Hi, Mr. Mazhar. How are you ?
Mr. Mazhar : Not fine.
Myself : Why ?
Mr. Mazhar : Yesterday My father scolded for keeping bad company. He told that bad company is the root of failure in life.
Myself : He is right. I agree with him.
Mr. Mazhar : Yes. I realized it. He is right.
So, I will avoid bad company in future.
Myself : Me too. See you again. Thank you.
Mr. Mazhar : Thanks.

5. Write a dialogue between you and your doctor about physical problems .
Myself : Assalamu alaikum , sir.
Doctor : Walaikumussalam. Sit down.
Myself : Thank you.
Doctor : What is your problem?
Myself : I have many problem. I have been suffering from fever .
Doctor : Do not worry. You will get well soon. Take this prescription and take these medicine for seven days.
Myself : Here is your fees, sir.
Doctor : Ok. Take these medicines . I hope you will get well soon.
Myself : Thank you.
Doctor : You are welcome.

6. Suppose you are Mahmudul. Your friend , Mr. Mazhar wants to know about physical exercise. Now write a dialogue between you and your friend about it.
A dialogue between Mr. Mazhar and Mahmudul about physical exercise :
Mr. Mazhar : Hi, Mahmudul. How are you? Why do you look sad?
Mahmudul : Fine, thanks.
Mr. Mazhar : Well, I do’nt feel well for a few days.
Mahmudul : I think, you do not take physical exercise regularly.
Mr. Mazhar : You are right.
Mahmudul : But you should take physical exercise regularly.
Mr. Mazhar : Really? Will it be good for my health ?
Mahmudul : Sure.
Mr. Mazhar : Now I understand. I will take exercise regularly.
Mahmudul : Yes, you can play games, swim or walk sometimes.
Mr. Mazhar : Thank you for your good advice.
Mahmudul : Thank you .

7. Ripa gets up early in the morning. So she does well in the exam. On the other hand, sabina gets up late in the morning. So, her result is bad in exam. Now write a dialogue between Ripa and Sabina about the benifit of early rising.
Ripa : Hi! Sabina. How are you?
Sabina : Not good.
Ripa : why?
Sabina : My result is bad in the examination.
Ripa : Why ? Can you not to complete your lesson in time?
Sabina : No. I can not complete it in time.
Ripa : Do you not get up early in the morning?
Sabina : No.
Ripa : It is your main problem. If you get up early in the morning, you will be able to complete your lessons in time.
Sabina : I will try my best next.
Ripa : No more today. Next day. welcom.
Sabina : Thank you
for your good advice.

8. Write a dialogue between you and bookseller about buying a grammar book.
A dialogue between myself and a book seller about buying a book :
Myself : Assalamu-alaikum.
Bookseller : Walaikum assalam. How can help you, sir.?
Myself : I want to buy a grammar book.
Bookseller : Here are some books. Choose one of them.
Myself : Oh ! no, I want a best one.
Bookseller : Do you want Mazhar’s Technical Hand Note On Grammar and Composition?
Myself : Is it best one.
Bookseller : Yes. it is a very good grammar book.
Myself : Let me see.
Bookseller : Here it is.
Myself : Really, it is a very good grammar book. I was finding such a grammar book. Give it me.
Bookseller : It is a little bit costly.
Myself : No, problem. Here is the money.
Bookseller : Thank you.
Myself : You are welcome.

9. A dialogue between myself and a book seller about buying a book :
Myself : Assalamu-alaikum.
Bookseller : Walaikum assalam. How can help you, sir.?
Myself : I want to buy a grammar book.
Bookseller : Here are some books. Choose one of them.
Myself : Oh ! no, I want a best one.
Bookseller : Do you want Mazhar’s Technical Hand Note On Grammar and Composition?
Myself : Is it best one.
Bookseller : Yes. it is a very good grammar book.
Myself : Let me see.
Bookseller : Here it is.
Myself : Really, it is a very good grammar book. I was finding such a grammar book. Give it me.
Bookseller : It is a little bit costly.
Myself : No, problem. Here is the money.
Bookseller : Thank you.
Myself : You are welcome.

10. Suppose, you are Maksodul. You have just completed your s.s.c examination. Now write a dialogue between you and your father telling about your future plan and career.
A dialogue between you and your father abou future plan and career:
Father: I am very glad to know that you have done well in the exam. But what is your future plan ?
Myself: I want to be a doctor, if you agree.
Father : Yes, it is a good profession. I agree with you. But I advise you to read more and carefully.
Myself: Yes, father. I will study science in a college and then try to get admitted in a medical college to study there.
Father : Well, study hard. Allah will be with you.
Myself : Thank you, father.

11. A dialogue between myself and Headmaster about issuing a T. C.
Student : May I come in, Sir?

Headmaster: Yes, come in.

Student: Sir, I want a T.C.

Headmaster: A transfer certificate ! Why  do you need a transfercertificate? It is the middle of year.

Student: My father has been transferred from Dhaka to khulna. So, I have to go there.

Headmaster: Don’t you have any relative here? If you have any relative, try to stay here.

Student: No, I haven’t.

Headmaster: Where is your application?

Student: Yes, Sir. Here is it.

Headmaster : Ok. You will get T.C. Meet the Head clerk.

Student: Thank you very much.

Headmaster: You are welcome.

12. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English.

Rafi: Hello, Nitu. How are you?

Nitu: I am fine . And you?

Rafi: I am also fine.

Nitu: Are you learning English?

Rafi: Yes, I am learning.

Nitu: Why are you learning it?

Rafi: Without it, we can’t make a good career.

Nitu: Where are you learning?

Rafi: I am learning it at F.M method.


Nitu: What do they teach?

Rafi: They teach good sentence making, vocabulary, conversation, fluent speaking, group discussions, newspaper, personality, etc.

Nitu: What is the benifit of learning English.

Rafi: It is an international language. If we know english, we can talk to others in any foreign country.

Nitu: In your opinion, what are other benifits of learning English?

Rafi: Students learn to make good sentences. So, they get better marks in exam. We also get social respect.

Nitu: I am interested to learn English. I want to admit myselft at F.M method. Please, take me there.

Rafi: Ok. I will take you at f.m method.

Nitu: Thank you .

Rafi: You are welcome.

13. A dialogue between you and your sister. You want your elder sister tell you how to make a cup of tea.

Myself: Excuse me, sister. Could you tell me how to make a cup of tea?

Sister: Sure, why not? But when would you like to learn it.

Myself : I want to learn it now?

Sister: Ok. First you have to boil  three or four cup of water. Then mix two spoonful of tea leaves with the boiling water. Finally mix some milk and sugar with it. Thus a cup of tea is made and ready for drink.

Myself: Thank you, sister.

14. A dialogue between two friends about water pollution.
Saon: The water of canals, rivers and tanks is being polluted day by day. Isn’t it very alarming?

Sejuti: Yes, This polluted water is very harmful to us.
Saon: But man is mainly responsible for water pollution. They pollute water by throwing waste into it.

Sajuti: Farmers use chemical fertiliser and insecticides in their fields. The  water of rain and flood  wash away  some of the chemicals. They get mixed with the water of canals, ponds and rivers and pollute water.

Saon: Mills and factories also pollute water by the waste materials.

Sajuti: How can we prevent water from being polluted?

Saon: Water pollution can be prevented in many ways. But the main way is to make the people aware of the importance of pure water.

Sajuti: Thank you. Bye.

Saon: Bye.

15. Dialogue between two friends on frequent road accident in our country.

Sabina: Do you know  frequent road accidents have become quite common?

Aminul : Yes. Everyday we find the news of many road accidents in newspaper. Can you tell me the  causes of it?

Sabina : There are many causes of frequent road accident. The reckless driving of the drivers are the main causes of it.  The unconsciouseness of the people is also responsible for increasing road accident.

Aminul : But how can we prevent the frequent road accident problem?

Sabina : Traffic rules should be imposed. Passer-by and driver should be aware. Radio, T.V can play an important role in this regard. Govt. also should take proper step to solve this problem.

Aminul : Thank you.

Sabina : Welcome.

16. Make a dialogue between you and your friend about deforestation and its effect.

Eva : Do you know that many people of our country are cutting down trees in large number?

Oysi: Yes. People are cutting tress for fuel, furniture ,  agricultural land etc.  What may be the effect of deforestation?

Eva : They are to many to describe. If we destroy trees at random, one day the country will turn into a great desert. The temperature will rise and it will cause green house effect.

Oysi : How can we get rid of this great disaster?

Eva : Only planting of more trees can save us from this kind of disaster. We should make the people conscious of the importance of trees. Tree plantation programme should be expended throughout the country.

Oysi : Thank you.

Eva : Welcome.

17. A dialogue between you and a rickshaw puller.
Myself : Hello, rickshaw puller. Could you take me to the college road?

Rickshaw puller : Sure, why not? But you have to pay 10 taka me as a rent.

Myself : Would you take me  there only at 5 taka ?

Rickshaw puller : Sorry.

Myself : Could you take me to the college road  only at 8 taka?

Rickshaw puller : Ok. Get into the rickshaw.

Myself :  Thanks.

18.  A dialogue between two friends about exam preparation.

Habib : Hello, Monika. Where are you going ?

Monika : I am going to Siddik sir. Why do you look so worried, Habib?

Habib : I am worried about my exam.

Monika : Why ! How is your preparation ?

Habib : Not well. Particularly in English and Math.

Monika : But I am  worried about Math.
Habib : Which book and suggestion do you follow ?

Monika : I read “Mazhar’s Technical Hand Note On Grammar &  Composition”.  I also follow “Mazhar’s Technical Suggestion on English & Math” . I think it is the best .
Habib : Yes, I also think so. I also read “Mazhar’s Technical Hand Note on Grammar & Composition ” . But I haven’t bought “Mazhar’s Technical suggestion on English and math”.

Monika : Buy it immediately.

Habib : I will buy it next week.

Monika : OK,  come with me. Siddik sir will take an  extra class.

Habib : Ok. Let’s go.

19. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about loadshedding.

Myself  : Do you know that load shedding is a great problem in our country?

Monir : Yes. Now -a- days it has become a part of our life. Can you tell me the causes of it?

Myself : There are variouse causes of it. The insufficient production of the electricity is the main reason of it.
Monir : Misuse and illegal connection of electricity are also reasons of
load shedding.

Myself   : But how can we solve this problem?

Monir  : It is difficult to solve the load shedding problem. But we should make an all out concerted effort to solve this problem.  Unplanned distribution of electricity should be stopped at any cost and timely well planned supply of electricity should be ensured. System loss should be reduced. Illegal connection should be stopped. Last of all it can be solved by producing more power.

Myself : Thanks.

20. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning english.

Myself : Do you read newspaper everyday?
Shohag : Yes. I read it everyday.

Myself : I also read it daily. Do you know the importance of reading newspaper ?

Shohag : Yes. Reading newspaper we can know the news of both home and abroad. It is a great wonder of modern civilization. We can not think of modern life without the newspaper.

Myself : You are right. We find all kinds of news and views in it. We get world news, our country news, market news, trade news etc by a newspaper. It gives us both pleasure and knowledge. It helps to grow the public opinion.

Shohag : Newspaper is also not free from dark side. Sometimes they publish false news.

Myself : You are right. Yet modern life is not possible without newspaper.

Shohag : Yes. It is very important to us. It is the mirror of the present world. So we should read newspaper everyday.

21. About Importance of tree plantation.

Myself : Do you know the importance of tree plantation?
Sojib : Yes. Trees are useful to us in various ways. They are a great source of food and vitamin.

Myself : We can not think of our homes, houses, residence etc without trees. Trees give us oxygen without that we can not live. They give shade and shelter. We get medicine, wood, oil etc from trees.  They save us from flood and natural calamities.

Sojib : Where can we plant them?
 Can you tell me the best suitable place to plant trees.
Myself : Upper levels are the best suitable place to plant trees. We can plant trees on both sides of roads. we can use the hilly area for tree plantation.

Sojib : Which months are the best time for tree plantation?
Myself : June and July.
Sojib : Thank you. Bye.
Myself : Bye.

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