JSC English Second Paper Suggestion: For Chittagong Board
Grammar : 30 Marks (JSC Standard). E-mails: First Choice Write an e-mail to your friend congratulating...
View ArticleModel Test for PEC
Primary Education Completion Examination 2016 Subject: English Read the passage and answer the questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. A long time ago, when Raju was in class five, there was a fire in his school....
View ArticleSSC English First Paper Model Test 2017
SSC Model Test – 2017 (English 1st Paper) Full Marks: 100...
View ArticleSSC English Second Paper Model Test 2017
SSC Model Test – 2017 (English 2nd Paper) Full Marks: 100 Time:...
View ArticleExclusive English First Paper Suggestion for SSC 2017
Exclusive English First Paper Suggestion for SSC 2017 Unseen Passage (1): Several Moral Degradation ———— social levels. The National Memorial at Savar ———– of their spirit. Punctuality means ———— the...
View ArticleExclusive English Second Paper Suggestion for SSC 2017
Exclusive English Second Paper Suggestion for SSC 2017 CV with Cover Letter 1.For the post of Assistant Teacher/ Lecturer 2. For the post of a Marketing Manager 3. For the post of Accounts Officer 4....
View ArticleRules of Narration: Interrogative Sentences
JUNIOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ( JSC ) – 2017 Preparation Narration/ Speech Changing Changing of some words in Indirect: This – That, These – Those, Here – There, Ago – Before, Come – Go, (Note:...
View ArticlePronoun References and Modifiers for HSC 2017
Pronoun References and Modifiers for HSC 2017 Set A: Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentences...
View ArticleParagraphs WRITING
1. Write a paragraph of ‘A DAY LABOUR’ A DAY LABORER A day labour is a poor person who does heavy unskilled work. He is to be healthy, strong and stout. He lives with...
View ArticleEmail Writing
E-mail Email is a wonderful invention. It plays a very important role in this modern world of business. This is a scientific way of sending messages, data and pieces of information to others very...
1. Suppose your friend Rashid resides in Bogra. You had stayed at their residence for a few days during your last visit to dhaka. He helped you in visiting many places or things. His sister Rina...
1. Write a composition about ‘THE WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE’ THE WONDERS OF MODERN SCIENCE We live in an age of science. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science has made our life easy and...
Write a short composition on journey by train/bus/boat/plane Journey by train/boat/plane/bus Journey is always pleasure to everybody. It charms our mind and makes us happy. It is also a part of...
Dialogue 1. A dialogue between myself and my friend Mazhar about the uses and abuses of mobile phone. Myself : Hi, Mazhar. How are you ? Mazhar : I am fine and you ? Myself : I am also fine. Could you...
View ArticleSENTENCE
Sentence: A sentence is a group of words which gives a complete sense or meaning. There are five kinds of sentence according to its meaning. They are: 1. Assertive sentence. 2. Interrogative sentence....
The parts of speech,kinds of parts of speech with definition and examples. The parts of speech: Every word of a sentence is a parts of speech. There are 8 kinds of parts of speech. They are: 1.Noun....
View ArticleTENSE
Tense and structure, important examples Tense There are mainly three kinds of tense. They are : 1. Present tense 2. Past tense 3. Future tense. Every tense is classified in four ways. So there are...
Voice change Voice Active voice to passive voice: Rules : [i] The subject of Active voice will be changed to the object in the passive voice. [ii] The auxiliary verb of Active voice will be unchanged...
View ArticleARTICLE
Filling the gaps with suitable articles. 1. a._ Pen.b._ apple. c._elephant.d._ orange. e._ umbrella. f._ ox. g. _pen. h. _ book. i. _ mango. j. _ shirt. k. _ chair. Ans: a. a. b. an. c. an. d. an. e....
Filling the gaps with suitable articles. 1. a._ Pen.b._ apple. c._elephant.d._ orange. e._ umbrella. f._ ox. g. _pen. h. _ book. i. _ mango. j. _ shirt. k. _ chair. Ans: a. a. b. an. c. an. d. an. e....
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